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Becoming a Business Owner

Writer's picture: OhSo Strib'bleOhSo Strib'ble

Updated: Aug 6, 2022

Do you have the passion? Has it been something you have pondered throughout the years?

August is Black Business Month, and I am here to bring you the nitty on how I got started in 2008. I began to listen to my thoughts. It's always been a dream of mine to own a home-based daycare. I had been praying for a big family for years and I knew I wanted to have the ability to stay home and raise my children while caring for other kids. The hard part was getting started. I was stuck in the Matrix of Groundhog Day. You know the daily routine that never ends just to live a paycheck-to-paycheck life. It was extremely exhausting and drove me to question why I am even here.

Those questions were being answered every day on my ride home from work in 2006 & 2007. My job was doing serious micromanagement trying to force me to quit. Yet quitting was not an option for me because I was a single parent, and we needed this income from this job for us to live. 4:30 pm was quitting time and Micheal Baisden Live was my tunes for the ride home. Every evening I'm hearing, " Follow Your Dreams, Live Out Your Passions, Don't Get Stuck Working for Somone Else's Dream, Live Your Own". This was the inspiration I needed to believe, to believe that maybe I can do this entrepreneurship thing. In November 2007 I was terminated from my employer with a severance package and the ability to file unemployment.

This was my beginning, with the recession upon us I took full advantage of this time while pregnant with my 2nd child and 1st daughter. I used the severance to live off and filed for unemployment benefits as well. Those benefits lasted for 18 months due to the state of the economy. September 2008, I acquired my 1st client that remained in care for 6 years before transitioning to grade school. This was how I became self-employed, now a Serial Entrepreneur.

This month's blog is dedicated to Black Businesses. Black Businesses have had tremendous amounts of obstacles to overcome in this country since the Reconstruction Era. Prior to the massacres that happened all over the country like in Wilmington, NC and Tulsa Oklahoma, communities of African American Residents were thriving in their own segregated areas. Families were able to build wealth, send their children to school for higher education and rebuild the family dynamic from the destruction of chattel slavery in America. It is rumored that because a regime of African American Soldiers defended their community against Confederates is when the uprising of destruction began.

They came as mobs and destroyed African American Communities, Businesses and Murdered or Beat Women, Men and Children. Tulsa Oklahoma Massacre descendants are just being allowed to sue from the Massacre that happened in 1921, almost 100 years later. This is why supporting Black Businesses have to be the forefront for everyone. Black Business Month began in 2004 by John William Templeton and Frederick E. Jordan Sr. to bring attention to the needs of more than two million Black-owned businesses operating across America.

Here is one of DC's Cannabis Culture Kings behind the brand Rolling Bouqe'. Last August at National Cannabis Festival I was introduced to Jamaal Waith by NORMLMD Executive Director Losia Nyankale. I was very impressed to see not just 1 but 2 Kings and 1 Queen holding the thrown to their locally owned hemp rolling papers business. I mean in all honesty the name is what 1st caught my attention. Rolling Bouqe'= Rollin' Flowers is what I think about when I hear the name and who doesn't like rollin' flowers? Since that initial meeting I have observed their presence, this past year being in advocacy spaces that are special to me. I feel it's important to advocate for your community as well as educate and be intentional in your Why as an individual and brand.

Here is my Q & A session withh Jamaal Waith

L: Where are you from and tell me about your upbringing?

J: Born Raised and Educated in the Great City of DC. I’m a 4th generation native and rep for all things DC. Former Preacher Kid turned Paper Trapper

L: What brought you to using cannabis for wellness?

J: Not wanting to take pain medication after a sports injury. I didn’t like the feeling

L: What other methods do you use for self-care?

J: I’m an outdoors guy and I like working with my hands; fishing, hunting or building something. I took up Turkey hunting during the pandemic.

L: Have you had any negative experiences while using cannabis?

J: Thankfully I haven’t, it’s Wild because when folks talk about being paranoid and stuff I just look lost it’s never happened... now Cotton Mouth My Gawd!!!!!

L: How did the vision for Bouqe' begin?

J: Like-minded friends wanting to jump in the cannabis industry but not really knowing how. But we are in a DC Canna group, so we know what the community needed. We are so much more than papers. We really are a part of the Canna Culture in DC.

L: Where do you see yourself in 5 years in the Cannabis Industry?

J: I really wanna start expanding my Canna Consultation firm while helping more people of color find lanes in the industry. for more info.

L: How do you support or give back to your community?

J: I’m big on philanthropy: food, clothes and toy drives are big parts of the Bouqé Mission...We have to help the community we were birth in. And it’s always great to lend a hand you never know when it will be your turn in need.

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Jamaal asks for you to be on the lookout for several upcoming events and always check out the

And remember, "Don’t Be A Bamma"

I second that, Neva Be A Bamma, Periodt! It's a DC Thang...

Rolling Bouqe' Founders: Corey Dunson, Alexis Taylor & Jamaal Waith

This month I ask you to support as many Small & Local Black Owned Businesses you can. Make it a challenge between you and your friends to see who supported different local Black Owned Small Businesses and use #blackbusinessmonthdc . You can start here with us and

Here is a great read with background on how this became a National Day.

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