Strib'bles Loc'down Fried Chicken Seasoning is a proven winner! This is the blend that locked that ring on my finger and made me a Stribling. My husband loved the flavor so much, he made sure to come over everytime I fried chicken when we were dating.
Delicious and Flavorful but a bit heavy on the seasoning salt.
Strib'bles Loc'down Chicken Fry Seasoning
SKU: fryseason
Excluding Sales Tax
Wash Chicken
Pat Dry
Lay out flat
Sprinkle seasoning over the chicken
Flip over
Sprinkle seasoining over the opposite side of chicken
Pour Flour in a bag,
Sprinkle more seasoning into the flour bag
Shake chicken, a few pieces at at time, for full coverage
Good For Pan Frying and Deep Frying