FINALLY getting rain for the flowers I repotted. Can't wait for the time to repot these flowers and herbs I started from seed.
I recall always wanting to plant flowers when I was a kid but my father wouldn't buy any 😕.
Then we got a free pack of tulip seeds delivered to our house. I was soooo excited, I planted them at the beginning of our driveway. That was sometime in the late 80s or early 90s.
Guess what, they still BLOOM!
I haven't lived there since I was 16 years old but I do drive past the house if I'm in the neighborhood to see how the neighborhood has changed and to show our kids where I grew up after leaving DC.
I've found that I love 💜 plants🌱, I always have plants around, even in our first apartment back in 1997.
COVID-19 allowed me the time to truly create a zen at home and I love every dollar spent and sweat equity earned creating this space for us, mainly for me but I allow others to enjoy it as well.
Cann'A Woman Heal
8:30 pm, March 30th, 2023
How are you managing taking care of you?
Let's talk about it! 💜
Cann'A Woman Heal Wellness Journey" on Eventbrite!
Date: Thu, Mar 30 • 8:30 PM EDT
#selfcare #metime #zenspaces #naturelover #mentalhealthawareness #greenspaces #womenshistorymonth #womenshealth #nationalmentalhealthmonth #mentalhealth #blackmentalhealthmatters #blackwomenempowered